The Indestructible Book

The great missionary Alexander Duff loaded his precious belongings onto the Lady Holland and sailed for India, desiring to preach the Gospel. Shortly before arriving in India, with excitement high upon the ship, a terrible calamity befell the passengers aboard: a shipwreck. Fortunately, all passengers survived. However, the possessions of the passengers were forever lost. Standing upon the seashore, dismayed and despondent, Alexander Duff looked into the ocean and prayed for some ray of hope. Suddenly, an object floating in the ocean reflected with the beaming sunlight and caught his attention. He carefully waded into the water to retrieve this lonesome item. As he approached it with caution, he soon realized that his prayer had been answered. It was a Bible, the most cherished and useful of all his possessions. Wasting no time, Alexander Duff began preaching the Word, starting with just five boys who met under a fig tree. God promptly rewarded his efforts, as his congregation grew and multiplied to three hundred sincere seekers of the truth. Several years later, a church was constructed where the tree had once stood, and thousands of students joined in unison in exalting and worshipping Jesus Christ.


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