Social Distancing.... Or Physical Distancing?


I'm not sure when I first heard the expression "social distancing." It was definitely at the beginning of this prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, but I honestly cannot recall hearing it on any occasion before last March or April. What I do know is that how the expression is used is not what the words themselves mean.

According to the Scriptures, which, as a Christian, are my ultimate authority for determining what to believe and how to live, God created humanity in his image (Genesis 1:26; 5:2). Although there are differing views on what exactly it means to be made in God's image, the words themselves (God's image and likeness) lead us to the conclusion that God created humans, unlike any other created thing, to be like him and to represent him.

One strong theory for how human beings are like God is that we have an innate capacity for relationships. We are social creatures. Our very nature demands close interactions with other human beings. This need for relationships can be satiated in a number of ways, starting, of course, with the closest human relationship (marriage) but also including close friendships with others. In a nutshell, then, to be made in God's image "means that we were designed for relationships" (Keller, The Meaning of Marriage, p. 111). We cannot reflect God's image in our lives without creating, developing, and nurturing relationships with other people.

This is partly why I have a major issue with the phrase "social distancing," not only because it doesn't accurately reflect what medical experts have recommended, but also because it is toxic and further threatens to sharpen the divide in our country.

What social distancing generally means, to those who employ this expression, is that we should maintain a distance from others so that we do not accidentally transmit the coronavirus. However, the expression itself doesn't actually mean that. Social distancing suggests a form of purposeful isolation from others. A withdrawing from necessary dialogue with friends and family. A complete cessation of conversation with colleagues and co-laborers in the kingdom of God.

This, my friend, is deadly. It is poisonous. It would ruin churches and nations and companies and schools. God never, ever intended for people to be socially distanced. 

Now, does everyone who uses the expression "socially distancing" intend to purposefully attack this fundamental aspect of our humanness? Obviously not. But I'm confident that this terminology has subtly assisted in the erosion of the social fabric of our society. Do we really think that there would be no unintended consequences from withdrawing from natural and necessary social interactions? We cannot continue down a road of social distancing ad infinitum without irreparable harm being done to our society.

To clarify, you can be in the same physical location with other people and be socially distanced. You can also be at home alone but not be socially distanced. How is this possible? Through the wonders of technology, you can be socially active with other people without exposing yourself to the potential danger of this mysterious virus. You can make calls and text and email and write letters. And preferably spend less time on social media, for it rarely connects people as it promises to do. 

My recommendation would be that we replace the expression "social distancing" with "physical distancing." It communicates precisely what the medical experts have advised, with the added benefit that it doesn't violate the very essence of our nature. 

If you feel like you must maintain some distance between you and other people during these unusual times, go for it (although this should no continue forever). Exercise your freedom in this regard. But please don't label your actions as an example of "social distancing," since what you are actually doing is "physically distancing."


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