
Showing posts from October, 2015

One Nation, Two Genders

There is an unbelievably fierce push in America for the ideology of “one husband, one wife, for life” to be effaced from the minds of her citizens. Unfortunately, many Christians fail in standing tenacious for the family and remain silent on this prevalent issue. Worse yet, some individuals who profess Christianity advocate the church to be more accepting to that “confused” portion of our population, asserting that the Bible commands its adherents to be tolerant and loving. While the Scriptures do teach of love and compassion, never do these sacred words support the toleration of sin. The Word of God clearly labels homosexual behavior as sin, according to 1 Corinthians 6, and speaks unfavorably toward those who partake of such abomination (Romans 1). God will cease to bestow his benefits upon America if she continues to blur the genders. M. R. DeHaan noted, “No nation can continue in the blessing of the Lord which permits the breakdown of the distinction between the sexes.” [i] If Am...

A Revival of Prayer

The Scriptures are replete with examples that communicate the truth that there is no substitute for prayer. Although works of faith are critical for the expansion of the church, Christians ought not forget that these labors of love are not replacements for private devotion to God (Dawson, 1942). God is certainly pleased with the efforts of his people to promulgate the gospel message, but he responds most pleasantly to prayer and answers the supplications of his children. S. D. Gordon noted, “God answers prayer. Prayer is God and man joining hands to secure some high end. He joins with us through communication of prayer in accomplishing certain great results” (P. 67). Unfortunately, many Christians live far below their privilege in God and do not exercise this accommodating prerogative. Christians need to frequent this often neglected path and rise to the challenge of bombarding heaven with their petitions. If the church would spend adequate time on their knees in prayer, God would res...

Holiness in the Old Testament

Throughout the Old Testament, the subject of holiness is clearly taught and can be readily seen in many different ways. God commanded Israel to “sanctify themselves,” abstaining for those actions similar to other nations, for the purpose of allowing them to experience his presence and enjoy his protection (Leviticus 11:44-45). Furthermore, various individuals in the Old Testament adhered to God’s edict to be righteous and holy. The Bible states that Daniel served him continually and faithfully, not buckling in pressuring situations, while Joseph remained true to his Creator by not compromising in a vulnerable position. The reason for the separating of Israel from the other nations and for virtuous men living uprightly was so that they would please God well and be found faultless in his eyes. Therefore, since the Old Testament conspicuously conveys the principle of holiness, modern-day Christians ought to reexamine these truths, carefully consider their findings, and sincerely apply th...

A Self-existent Being Named God

Each human, at some point in his life, will inevitably ask the question of “why there is something rather than nothing?” As he goes about life, attempting to answer this inquiry, his engrained sense of causality follows him and forces him to see that there is a source and reason for each effect (Sproul, 1992). However, during this faced-paced environment, many people have jettisoned all rational thinking and have settled only for that which can be proven empirically, tested scientifically, and verified materially. Eric Metaxas, in his book Everything You Always Wanted to Know about God , noted, “Our culture is so obsessed with the physical and the material that we have lost the ability to think logically about anything outside that realm. (p. 4)” Fortunately, Christians have the source to answer the sincere questions concerning our provenance and purpose. Since there exists something rather than nothing, and the evidence points to a self-existent, eternal being, Christians should be c...