Ten Useful Words

Have you ever experienced that moment when you are in the midst of an argument and cannot quite locate the correct word or remark? Then, to your frustration, you later remember it. This occurrence is referred to as an esprit d'escalier. Today, I will give you ten beneficial words for your immediate verbal improvement.
  1. Lethargy- the state of being dull, sluggish, or listless
  2. Ardent- passionate, fervent, zealous
  3. Garrulous- using an excessive, unnecessary amount of words; talkative
  4. Ambiguous- uncertain, indecisive
  5. Ostensible- appearing to be true but not necessarily proven
  6. Reticent- inclined to be silent; reserved
  7. Audacious- bold, courageous
  8. Inquisitive- curious, questioning
  9. Ennui- a state of boredom and dissatisfaction
  10. Deleterious- harmful, injurious, damaging


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