Excitement Breeds Revival

In his classical lectures upon the topic of revivals, Charles Finney discusses the prevalence of mankind's lethargy and how God uses men's seldom demonstrations of excitability to produce a revival. He writes that "Men are so sluggish, there are so many things to lead their minds off from religion and to oppose the influence of the gospel, that it is necessary to raise an excitement among them, till the tide rises so high to sweep away the opposing obstacles." His pronouncement may have been accurate for his day, but his words are still pertinent and become exceedingly relevant in today's culture of technological dependence. A majority of American Christians carelessly squander the precious commodity of time through unnecessary internet usage or needless social media excursions. This results in complacent, lukewarm, and indolent congregations, which are satisfied with only a forty-five minute service on Sunday morning, and go weeks on end without considering the consequences of misplaced priorities. To combat this apathy that permeates American Christianity, Christians ought to stimulate excitement in their churches through the old-fashioned means of prayer, Bible reading, faithful church attendance, visiting the orphans and widows, fulfilling the Great Commission, and living a sanctified life.


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