
Showing posts from January, 2017

Political Hypocrites

Last Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald John Trump became the forty-fifth president of the United States of America. His electoral victory over his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton shocked a majority of the country. According to polling conducted prior to the November election, Clinton was expected to win rather comfortably. However, when the votes were counted, Trump emerged victoriously. Admittedly, I voted for Donald Trump. The reason seems to be quite obvious: He was a less-flawed than Clinton. His economic and immigration positions were superior, and the vacant Supreme Court seat would be the deciding vote for crucial legislative decisions in the coming years. Granted, he certainly wasn't my first choice. I didn't appreciate his lewd comments and licentious behavior. But.... For the overall progression of our nation, I held my nose and voted my conscience. We must get rid of the notion that just because a candidate is on "your" side, you must tolerate all hi...

Welfare Christians

There is an epidemic in the United States. In short, many people are living off of the government. While government programs have helped thousands of needy families, some disingenuous individuals have placed a lasting, negative effect on these opportunities by using them when they don't really need them. Sadly, this same problem has infiltrated the church, with a vast majority of congregants doing little to promote the cause of the Cross. I have resolved not to be a welfare Christian. Here are three ways to avoid this trap of apathy. Give. While the Bible instructs us to give at least ten percent of our incomes, statistics reveal that Many American Christians give only a couple percent to the church. How will missionaries be able to go into the foreign fields without our dollar? How will our comfortable sanctuaries continue to keep the lights on without money? The implications are clear: we must give. Pray. Nothing is more important to a Christian than prayer, but nothing is n...

From Tithing to Stewardship

The Bible is explicitly clear that God owns everything. Moses wrote, “Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord’s thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is” (Deuteronomy 10:14). God exercises complete ownership over his Creation. In addition to being the owner of everything, God is also in control of every single human event. Nothing happens without his stamp of approval. The Psalmist declared on many occasions, “The Lord reigneth” (Psalm 93). In other words, the Lord rules sovereignly over the whole world, determining the course of human events and establishing the ways of humanity. However, the Bible which reveals that God owns and is in control of everything is the same Bible which presents certain principles of stewardship. Quite inarguably, even though God ultimately owns everything, he has chosen to allow humans to use HIS possessions and property in a manner which pleases them. Essentially, all he requests is that a person tithes off his income, or g...

Three Christian Ideas on Technology

In the Christian Educator’s Journal , Dan Beerens wrote a fascinating article about the interconnectedness of technology and faith. Technology has permeated every facet of the American society. Some might attempt to ignore this reality, but the more logical reaction is not to act as if it doesn’t exist, but to use it in a manner consistent with Christian beliefs. In this article, Beerens references Tim Challies, who wrote the book The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion. Challies presents three key ideas about technology for all Christians to consider. First, technology is a gift from God. God instilled within humanity the desire to create. Man nurtured this creativity and developed many forms of amazing technology. Second, technology is subject to the curse. Because the effects of Adam’s transgression were universal, anything in the hands of a fallen race is thereby subject to disuse. Technology has been abused on countless occasions, as mankind discovers...