Political Hypocrites

Last Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald John Trump became the forty-fifth president of the United States of America. His electoral victory over his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton shocked a majority of the country. According to polling conducted prior to the November election, Clinton was expected to win rather comfortably. However, when the votes were counted, Trump emerged victoriously.

Admittedly, I voted for Donald Trump. The reason seems to be quite obvious: He was a less-flawed than Clinton. His economic and immigration positions were superior, and the vacant Supreme Court seat would be the deciding vote for crucial legislative decisions in the coming years. Granted, he certainly wasn't my first choice. I didn't appreciate his lewd comments and licentious behavior. But.... For the overall progression of our nation, I held my nose and voted my conscience.

We must get rid of the notion that just because a candidate is on "your" side, you must tolerate all his actions and justify his obscenities. So, when people make statements like "I'm glad class has been restored to the White House," these individuals are accentuating their immense bias. Classy?! That isn't the word that enters my mind when I think about the Trumps. Take Melania, for example. Since when is it "classy" to allow yourself to be photographed nude? Or consider Donald's remarks. Why is it acceptable for him to be vulgar?

If a Democratic candidate would have used the language and had the wife Donald had, Christians across this nation would have risen in unison to protest such an atrocity. How on earth can our consciences accept this man as presidential material? It is certainly humorous how partisan people are. Conservative sites have saturated the headlines with praises to Trump, just as liberal pundits celebrated the advent of Obama. What hypocrisy! Please, for the love of humanity, remove your prejudiced glasses, take an honest look at political figures, and don't repudiate the candid critiques of concerned conservatives.


  1. Well said sir.

    I voted my conscience as well... "Randy Morris 2017"


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