Welfare Christians

There is an epidemic in the United States. In short, many people are living off of the government. While government programs have helped thousands of needy families, some disingenuous individuals have placed a lasting, negative effect on these opportunities by using them when they don't really need them.

Sadly, this same problem has infiltrated the church, with a vast majority of congregants doing little to promote the cause of the Cross. I have resolved not to be a welfare Christian. Here are three ways to avoid this trap of apathy.

Give. While the Bible instructs us to give at least ten percent of our incomes, statistics reveal that Many American Christians give only a couple percent to the church. How will missionaries be able to go into the foreign fields without our dollar? How will our comfortable sanctuaries continue to keep the lights on without money? The implications are clear: we must give.
Pray. Nothing is more important to a Christian than prayer, but nothing is neglected more by Christians than prayer. Prayer is a powerful weapon that each Christian possesses. Further, God has pledged to answer the requests of those who ask. Our lives ought to be seasoned by prayer, as we pray frequently and fervently for God to move faithfully.
Preach. This doesn't refer to the limited context of pulpit preaching; rather, it means that each Christian has been issued the command to spread the gospel. Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world. We should not sit on this good news. Instead, we should proclaim the gospel of a loving Savior who offered his life so that we, desperately wicked sinners, could be restored into fellowship with God.


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