
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Egregious Transgression of Time Wasting

One of my pet peeves is the frivolous use of time by young people. Many young people squander the precious coin of time by playing useless video games, scrolling through social media, and watching outrageous videos on YouTube. They are adrift upon a sea with little ambition, tossed and driven by the changing waves and winds of society. The saddest part of this tragedy is not necessarily the wasting of time itself; it's that most are completely oblivious to their sin. The gods of this world have placed cataracts on the eyes of this generation's youth, resulting in the unnecessary misuse of time. Not only is a time-waster in error in my eyes, but the Bible also condemns those who indulge in selfish desires instead of using that time to build the kingdom of God. The apostle Paul, in his letters to the saints at Ephesus, admonished them, "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). In other words, use every second,  take advantage of every moment an...

Is Your Wife's Funeral Optional?

There is a morbid story that illustrates the necessity of prioritizing. A man once attended a Super Bowl and was seated toward the top of the stadium, resulting in poor visibility. After the game began, he noticed an empty seat near the fifty-yard line. He decided to see if he could procure that seat for the remainder of this significant occasion. He approaches the eyed location and asks the man seated next to the empty seat if he could sit there. The man replied, "Actually, the seat belongs to me. I was supposed to come with my wife, but she died. This is the first Super Bowl we haven’t been to together since we got married in 1967." The other man responded, "That’s very sad. But still, couldn’t you find anyone else to take the seat- a relative or close friend?” To which the man admitted, "No, they’re all at the funeral.” Obviously, this is an exaggerated example of priorities, but the truth remains the same: We know that we should do the important ...

The Importance of Today

John Maxwell wrote a book entitled Today Matters . In this fascinating read, he argues that it is vitally important for people of all ages to decide to make the most of today. Instead of wasting precious time, choose to prioritize your time, becoming a better person and developing into a successful member of society. He writes, "The success of your life is determined by your daily agenda." I believe that this statement is incredibly true, but, unfortunately, the vast majority of people, especially young people, fail to abide by it. I know many young people who are going through life aimlessly, with little purpose and ambition. I am aware of several young people who advocate "wasting" time. This grievous squandering of the most precious of commodities (time) is unnecessary, ludicrous, contrary to the Bible, and suitable only for people who desire to not change the world. Leo Tolstoy averred, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changi...

The Golden Egg of Salvation

Every year, millions of Americans celebrate Easter. We all know Easter is the day we choose to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, a lot of people chose to do an Easter Egg Hunt on this day. How many of you have ever had an Easter Egg Hunt? Did you like it? Have you ever found the Golden Egg? The Golden Egg is the most important, the most precious prize. Whoever finds the Golden Egg get the biggest prize. In the Christian life, there is also a Golden Egg. The good news is, though, there is a Golden Egg for everyone. This Golden Egg, this tremendous treasure, is the gift of salvation. The story goes like this: The first two people on this earth, Adam and Eve, sinned. They rebelled against their Creator. How many of you have ever disobeyed your parents? What happens when you disobey? You get punished. Adam and Eve were also punished, but God punished not only them but also us- when we were born, we were born sinners. And this brings us to the difficult part ab...

Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee Beans

One day, a father desired to teach his daughter more about adversity. He took some carrots, some eggs, and some coffee beans. He boiled each of them. Obviously, the carrots became soft, the eggs became soft, and the coffee beans turned the water for the better. He then asked her, "Which are you? When you face adversity, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?" The same question can be asked to everyone. Adversity is a common experience known by all human beings. While the intensity varies for every person, adversity affects every individual, whether through the death of a loved one, the loss of a close friend, or the consequences of a broken heart. However, our attitude during this adversity may affect our outcome. So, which are you? When you encounter the inevitable troubles of life, are you like a carrot? Do you become soft and get run over by it? Are you like an egg: hard, insensitive, and untouchable? Friend, I encourage you to have the same...

The Power of Two Seconds

One of my favorite authors is Malcolm Gladwell. I have read his books Tipping Point and Outliers. It's difficult to describe the type of books he writes. Essentially, they are psychology told in a narrative format. Drawing upon a variety of sources, Gladwell succeeds in blending enlightenment and entertainment. Most recently, I have been reading another of his works, Blink . In this book, he strives to convey the importance of intuition, the power of a person's gut feelings. He tells the story of psychologist Nalini Ambady, who performed an experiment by giving students three ten-second audio-less videotapes of a professor to watch. The students were asked to judge the effectiveness of the professor. She cut the clips back to two seconds, and the students were consistent in rating the success of a teacher. Then she took those same quick evaluations of the professor and compared them with evaluations made by students who had been in the professor's class a whole semester....

God Is Still God

In case you are unaware, elections are frequent occurrences in the United States of America. Every four years, we vote to either keep or replace our presidents. Every six years, we vote on our senators. We hold special elections to pass constitional amendments, to legalize marijuana, or to sanction homosexual marriage. Because of the frequency of these elections, change is inevitable, as leaders come and go based upon the will of the people. News Flash: This doesn't happen in relation to God. Never will there be a vote to impeach him. He is God, has been God, and will always be God. The benefits of this cannot be overstated. We will not have to wonder which God will show up every day. He doesn't have mood changes. Day in and day out, he is the same. God is immutable, meaning that he can't change. Perhaps the greatest benefit of God's still being God is that our betterment is in his best interest. He desires the salvation of every person and has prepared a provisio...

Why Snoring Is a Sin

Because I am oblivious to this world while I'm asleep, I cannot state with absolute certainty that I don't snore. I trust I don't. Snoring is an abomination in the ears of God. It deprives precious children of God of the necessary sleep for a happy, healthy existence. It forces a person to contemplate the meaning of life as he lies in bed plotting the demise of this evil snorer. In short, I hate snoring. Here are two reasons why snoring is a sin. The first reason snoring is a sin is that it provokes people to anger. The Bible instructs its readers to not be a stumbling block for another Christian. Every Christian can agree that snorers test their sanctification. Maybe this is God's way of drawing us nearer to him? I hardly think so. Snorers must repent of their wicked sins! The second reason is that most snorers are overweight. How do most people become fat citizens of the human race? They eat too much. Eating too much is known in biblical terminology as gluttony. T...