The Golden Egg of Salvation

Every year, millions of Americans celebrate Easter. We all know Easter is the day we choose to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, a lot of people chose to do an Easter Egg Hunt on this day. How many of you have ever had an Easter Egg Hunt? Did you like it? Have you ever found the Golden Egg? The Golden Egg is the most important, the most precious prize. Whoever finds the Golden Egg get the biggest prize.

In the Christian life, there is also a Golden Egg. The good news is, though, there is a Golden Egg for everyone. This Golden Egg, this tremendous treasure, is the gift of salvation.

The story goes like this: The first two people on this earth, Adam and Eve, sinned. They rebelled against their Creator. How many of you have ever disobeyed your parents? What happens when you disobey? You get punished. Adam and Eve were also punished, but God punished not only them but also us- when we were born, we were born sinners.

And this brings us to the difficult part about the Golden Egg. Because we were born sinners, there is nothing we can do to get the Golden Egg. We can't buy it; we can't work for it. Our good looks can't earn it. Our parents can't even buy the Golden Egg. The situation looks desperate, doesn't it? Well, it is. But this is the part of the story where it starts to look good for us. Even though we had rebelled against God, God loved us and sent his only Son into this world. This Son, whose name was Jesus Christ, gave his life on Calvary; he died on a cross for you; he shed his precious blood to buy your soul. In short, he bought a golden egg for everyone, including me and you. It doesn't matter today if you are a boy or a girl, black or white, you can be saved today: You can receive the Golden Egg of salvation.

By now, you know, there is a Golden Egg of salvation, for you that is free. You're confused, though. How can I receive this Golden Egg if I can't do anything to get it? That's the beauty of the gospel. Remember, Jesus Christ did what you could not do. He died the death you should have died. And because of his sacrifice, all we have to do is receive it.

This is how you get the Golden Egg. It's as easy as ABC. First, you must admit that you are a sinner. Have you ever broken God's Commandments? Let me word it like this: Have you ever lied to your parents? Have you ever said something harmful to your friends? If you have, you have broken God's commandments. You are a sinner.

Next, you must believe with all of your heart that Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and resurrected for your salvation. You must put your faith in Jesus. In order to receive your Golden Egg, you must believe that Jesus is the Savior and Lord of the world. Now, along with this belief comes repentance. You have already admitted you were a sinner. You need to apologize for breaking his commandments; you must say, "Lord, I'm sorry. Please forgive me for all of my sins."

Finally, you must confess with your mouth all that you have believed in your heart. What good is it to not tell others? Is it possible to say that you actually believe something if you won't tell anyone what you believe? And this is where our story comes to an end. Once you find your Golden Egg, you need to tell others how they can find theirs. But, today, worry about yourself. Do you have a Golden Egg? Do you want a Golden Egg? God is ready and willing to offer you a Golden Egg if you follow the steps toward receiving it.

(This was a Bible lesson given to children.)


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