Two Reasons for a Christian School

I have been raised in a pastor's home. Perhaps, more importantly, I have been raised in the home of a pastor who also recognized the necessity of Christian education, and in concord with that recognition, he placed tremendous emphasis upon establishing a Christian school at the church he shepherds. I started at the school in kindergarten, attended there through my adolescent years, and graduated in 2014. Thus, in short, I believe that Christian schools are essential institutions and worthwhile ministries.

What is the overall purpose of a Christian school? Harro Van Brummelen answers this question well, "The overall aim of Christian schools is to help students become citizens of the kingdom of God, responsive disciples of Jesus Christ." Christian school educators ought to place as their highest priority the salvation and subsequent spiritual development of their students.

There are many reasons that can be presented to support the existence of a Christian school. However, today, I will only supply two, simple reasons for why every church should strongly consider the establishment of a Christian school.

First, Christian schools succeed in teaching a biblical worldview to the students. The Bible is the final authority on any discussion. While secular sources are used to broaden the educational experience of the student, never can a Christian educator allow the Bible to be relegated to an inferior position. Knowing that God created everything perfect, that Adam's transgression has led to death and destruction, and that Jesus Christ came to redeem fallen humanity is a grid through which a person can construe the events of life.

Second, Christians schools provide a conducive environment for the spiritual growth of students. Bad peer pressure is not tolerated, and pernicious habits, such as cigarettes, drugs, and immorality, are certainly condemned and punished by expulsion from the school. In addition to preventing negatives influences, Christian schools prepare the hearts of the students for spiritual matters by weekly chapel services, daily discussion of the scriptures, and monthly memorization of Bible passages.

These two reasons, along with others that support the necessity of a Christian school, should persuade any skeptic to consider establishing a Christian school in this hour of lascivious living and crippling complacency.

A Case for Christian Schools


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