Change Your Name Or Change Your Actions

One of the greatest military leaders of all time was Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821). Napoleon rose to political and military power during the French Revolution. He led the French people to many significant victories, and today, in military academies across the world, his tactics and strategy are studied and analyzed and imitated and followed.

The story is told that during the time of Napoleon's reign in France, there was another man named Napoleon. However, this Napoleon lived an immoral, wicked life. He was completely unethical in his dealings with other people. He broke the laws of the land. He had no social or religious mores and defied the lifestyles of decent human beings.

Quite appropriately, Napoleon, the political leader, desired to address this issue and invited the rebellious Napoleon to a meeting. After reprimanding him for his misconduct and spoiling the name of Napoleon, Napoleon Bonaparte gave the delinquent Napoleon two options: "You can either change your name or change your actions."

Many in the church today claim to be followers of Christ, but their actions contradict the words which are emanating from their mouth. I wonder if Christ stands in heaven, grieved by this hypocrisy, desiring that those who go by his name would depart from iniquity. Are you guilty of this wrongdoing? If so, you need to change either your name or your actions. Preferably, your actions. Repent of your sinful ways, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.


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